How Over Twenty Ladies Did Their First Chin-up Within a Year

Given the absolute strength differences between men and women, a chin-up is an excellent challenge for ladies with strength goals. I train a number of women, so I decided to challenge my students (and myself) by embarking on an audacious one-year long plan to help as many of my female students perform their first chin-up […]
The Best Program

Reg Park’s 5 x 5, Jim Wendler’s 5,3,1, Charles Poliquin’s 10 x 10, Mike Mentzers’ High Intensity Training, or Daniel Vadnal’s Body by Rings… Which of the above is the best training program? The truth is, there is no best training program. And as cliché as it may sound, the best training program for the […]
What to eat for training on a bodyweight strength or callisthenics program?

This will be the ideal guideline for our customers who are on the Elemental Strength program. It is an 8 week bodyweight strength program that you can easily do at home or gym with minimal equipment. Check it out HERE Macronutrients and calories are the key factors supporting your training stimulus to meet the goals […]
Eating for Performance

Eating for your performance, physique goals and training stimuli: For the longest time, there has been a lot of debate and confusion on what is the best diet for fat loss, muscle gain and performance improvement. Unfortunately, there is no one size fits all. The best diet is the one that suits your body type […]
4 bodyweight exercises to improve strength

Takeaways: 2020 is a year that will challenge the very fundamental routines in both work and life. With the whole lockdown due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, it is imperative that we as humans adapt to the ever changing sets of rules and evolve with it or pay the price. If anything, this is the perfect […]