Anyone who has the desire to transform their physique or seek to achieve a strength or fitness feat, regardless of experience or fitness level. We welcome people of all ages and abilities.
No. We use an extensive list of modalities in our training such as barbells, kettlebells, bodyweight and machines. We utilise the most appropriate implement/s to allow you to achieve your goal in the most efficient manner.
No. Every member that comes in our gym has a dedicated program assigned based on their goals and prior training experience. In every strength/prep training session, there is also one of our qualified coaches to guide you.
You don’t have to be fit, you train with us to get fit. Our tailored programme provides training and exercise education to help get you started on your fitness journey.
Yes, we advise you to seek clearance from your doctor first. Following which, we will tailor your training based on your injuries/medical issues.
Yes, you can. We will scale your exercise intensity and volume accordingly for you.
We recommend that you attend at least 3 training sessions each week to make progress in your training goal be it strength, aerobic conditioning, or mobility.