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Anyone who has the desire to transform their physique or seek to achieve a strength or fitness feat, regardless of experience or fitness level. We welcome people of all ages and abilities.

No. We use an extensive list of modalities in our training such as barbells, kettlebells, bodyweight and machines. We utilise the most appropriate implement/s to allow you to achieve your goal in the most efficient manner.

No. Every member that comes in our gym has a dedicated program assigned based on their goals and prior training experience. In every strength/prep training session, there is also one of our qualified coaches to guide you.

You don’t have to be fit, you train with us to get fit. Our tailored programme provides training and exercise education to help get you started on your fitness journey.
Yes, we advise you to seek clearance from your doctor first. Following which, we will tailor your training based on your injuries/medical issues.
Yes, you can. We will scale your exercise intensity and volume accordingly for you.
We recommend that you attend at least 3 training sessions each week to make progress in your training goal be it strength, aerobic conditioning, or mobility.
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We do not provide trial sessions. You can consider doing a single prep session at $37 or single PT session at $150 to determine whether our training is a fit for your needs and goals.

We designate 4 or 10 preparatory sessions (depending on your proficiency level) to equip you with the necessary technique and basic strength to execute the various modalities that we offer in our customised programme (i.e. barbell, kettlebells, bodyweight, etc).

No. The purpose of the preparatory sessions is to ensure consistency in exercise technique and safety in movement executions. We want members to execute movements with a safe and sound technique.

Yes. The purpose of the preparatory sessions is to ensure consistency in exercise technique and safety in movement executions. We want members to execute movements with a safe and sound technique.

Each session takes about 1hr. This is inclusive of a guided 10 mins warm up for new prep members.

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Successful fitness journeys start from the designation of a clear goal. While a member may have discipline and motivation to embark on a fitness transformation, the lack of knowledge and technique prevents them from achieving their goal.
Your assigned coach will provide some suggestions on possible goal/s you can work towards. Sample goal/s include aesthetics (i.e. lose body fat, gain muscle), attain a skill (i.e. chin up, muscle up, etc) or mobility (i.e. touch your toes, etc).
We will help you prioritise your goals based on the one/s you desire to achieve first. With that said, we also limit you to work towards your first 3 goals and not have too many at once as that will be detrimental to the progress. Once you’ve achieved each goal, your assigned coach will evaluate your next steps with you.
Yes, it is tough but achievable. It is also scaled and matched appropriately to your training needs and current strength levels.
The qualified coach assigned to your program will adjust your training intensity and/or volume if needed to determine the appropriate level of challenge for you.
Higher Performance operates a collective training system, by utilising different programs based on each client's needs, goals, training history, etc. Our coaches undergo a 8-week mentorship with our head coach on the theoretical aspects of each program as well as practical aspects of each exercise techniques on coaching cues, etc. This allows consistency in our coaching delivery. Rest assured that your coach will adjust your subsequent week program based on the feedback and numbers that you have input into our online portal.
Many people believe that paying for a gym membership will fast track them to getting fit and healthy. That rarely is the case. Successful fitness journeys start from the designation of a goal. While a member may have discipline and motivation to embark on a fitness transformation, the lack of knowledge and technique prevents them from achieving their goal.
No. All training takes place under the supervision of one of our qualified coaches. You will be able to book your sessions through our Higher Performance App.
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You will be required to fill in a profile form for us to know more about you (goals, injuries, training history, etc). Thereafter, we will take you through a movement assessment to identify any strength and mobility deficits. We begin your training to help refine your exercise techniques across different modalities such as Kettlebell, Barbell and Bodyweight exercises. Refinement of training parameters include rate of perceived exertion, reps in reserve, tempo, and supersets to enhance your capabilities. A qualified coach will be with you during the session.

The session will take about 1hr. 

Please be dressed in your workout attire and bring along your towel with you.

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This depends on what your priority is. Speak to one of our coaches so we can better advise you.

We do not recommend that you only do a 1 day session as that wouldn’t provide sufficient training stimulus for you to make progress and attain the skill you desire. We recommend you train at least 3 days a week in your program.

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We offer a 4 week membership at $340 and a 12 week membership at $918. This allows you to book as many sessions as you require for the week.

This is for members who purchase the Customised Programme only option (i.e 4-week at $200). Each access pass at $12 allows you 1 entry to the gym each time.

We can pause your membership with a freezing fee of $10/week.

No, we do not currently offer any promotions.
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You can book your first session with us via whatsapp (+65 9730 1026).

Yes, we have some members who choose to do mobility sessions after their met-con classes or strength class. But we do not advise booking 2 strength classes in a day.

We require members to cancel 8 hrs in advance to give other members a chance to book.

Please drop us a message in advance in the event you are late. You have to conclude your training session within 75 mins from your scheduled training time. I.e. 815am end time if you start at 7am. 


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